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Anthony Boudreau Coaching


Are you feeling stuck and overwhelmed?

Search no more!

I help people like YOU, people that run a side hustle, overcome their obstacles and reignite their professional and personal lives.

I designed a unique coaching program, the CLIMB method, to help you reach your next level faster, better and stronger! I'll teach you exactly how I went from lost, overwhelmed and feeling like I wasn't enough to finding my passion.

FREE Strategy Session

Topics Covered In The CLIMB Method


You've probably already come across some other coaching programs that offer "clarity", but what does it even mean? 

For any plane to reach its destination, it must first get clear on where it wants to go.

Let's say it that way for now:

what gets measured, gets managed.


Every great invention was once just a thought. Your mind is running non-stop, labeling every experience you go through.

Think of your mindset as your monkey mind, the thoughts that are running in circle in your mind.

It's time for you to get back to being the creator of your life, instead of just being its manager.

Peak  Performance Habits

Did you ever ask yourself "IS THAT IT?"

You probably lacked the right habits to keep you going, but today is a new day, it's time to bet on yourself and reignite your life.

Think of peak performance habits as your unfair advantage that will keep you one step ahead, sharp and energized.


Your body and your mind will be with you until the day you die, now that can be a good thing or a good thing.

Don't like your body? Change it!

Don't like your mind? Change it!

I'll show you how to stay in the best shape of your life both physically and mentally.

What People Like YOU Are Saying

Anthony is the hardest working person I know, with the drive that he has, he's able to achieve whatever goal he sets for himself, which are often to help other improve and achieve whatever their goals are.

He's a great listener, which gives him the skills to really understand whatever part of your life you want to work on, and will then use his proactive nature to help you start and not give up.


Anthony has a passion and resilience that is unmatched by anything else I’ve seen in my life.

He helped clarify and break down some of his CLIMB methods which instantly had a positive impact on my work ethic and planning, two components I’ve been struggling with most. I’m excited to see how much I can grow the more I learn from him.


I have the honour of having Anthony in my life, not only as a precious friend, but also as a source of inspiration.

He has the ability to immerse himself completely in what he undertakes, while continuing to spread his beautiful luminous energy, as he influences everyone around him and motivates them to reach their full potential.


Individual Plans Tailored For YOU


Made for those that are looking to maximize their investment

  • 5-Week Online Course

  • 5 Group Coaching Trainings

  • Private Access To The 

    High Achievers' Community

  • 30-Minute Introduction Call

  • Coming Soon


    Made for those that are looking to grow exponentially and faster than anyone else

  • 5-Week Online Course

  • 5 Group Coaching Trainings

  • Private Access To The 

    High Achievers' Community

  • 60-Minute Introduction Call

  • 12-Week CLIMB Coaching

  • Coming Soon

    About Me

    Hi, I'm Anthony 

    Consultant, coach, avid learner, sports enthusiast, travel addict, self-starter, let's stop there, you can just call me a multi-passionate person!

    I was always the "average" kid growing up and I never really believed that we could get better - I believe that we were born with a set skillset and that we had to deal with what life's lottery gave us.

    Ohhhhh how wrong was I!!!

    We are all unique, there is no one like you in the entire world, you are literally one in 7 billion and that is quite something.

    Being YOU is your superpower.

    I've always been a firm believer that the best investment you will ever make is an investment in yourself. What you focus on grows, if you take some time to focus on yourself daily, you will grow.

    Being part of the 9 to 5 club has always repelled me. Why?

    Because I knew I had a message in me and that I could make YOUR life easier, and what better feeling than serving people? 

    What do I stand for? Acceptance and compassion, authenticity, professionalism and enthusiasm (Can you believe I was let go of my first job after two weeks because I wasn't enthusiastic enough?!?)

    You matter. Your message matters.

    © 2020 Anthony Boudreau